Ford Mustang (1999-2004) Service Manual: Cylinder Head

Special Tool(s)

Compressor, Valve Spring 303-163 (T81P-6513-A)


Item Specification
SAE 5W-20 Premium Synthetic Blend Motor Oil XO-5W20-QSP or equivalent WSS-M2C153- H

Disassembly and Assembly

CAUTION: If the components are to be reinstalled, they must be installed in the same position. Mark the components removed for location.

1. Remove the spark plugs (12405) if necessary.

2. Using the special tool, compress the valve springs (6513).

Cylinder Head

3. Remove the following:

1. The valve spring retainer key (6518).

2. The valve spring retainers (6514).

3. The valve springs (6513).

4. The valve stem seals and seats (6A517).

Cylinder Head

4. Inspect the components.

5. CAUTION: Lubricate the parts with clean engine oil before installing.

To assemble, reverse the disassembly procedure.

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