Ford Mustang (1999-2004) Service Manual: Anti-Lock Control - Traction Control (Diagnosis and Testing)

Refer to Wiring Diagrams Cell 42, Anti-Lock Brake System for schematic and connector information.

Special Tool(s)

Worldwide Diagnostic System (WDS) 418-F224, New Generation STAR (NGS) Tester 418-F052, or equivalent scan tool
73 Digital Multimeter or equivalent 105-R0051
Anti-Lock Control - Traction Control
Torque Specifications Anti-Lock Control -Traction Control The four wheel anti-lock brake system (4WABS) with traction control consists of the following components: anti-lock brake control module ( ...

Other materials:

Component Tests
Pressure Test 1. Turn the engine OFF. 2. WARNING: Never remove the pressure relief cap under any conditions while the engine is operating. Failure to follow these instructions could result in damage to the cooling system or engine and/or personal injury. To ...

Transmission Draining and Filling
Material Item Specification DEXRON III (ATF) Transmission Fluid XT-2-QDX DEXRON III 1. Remove the drain plug and drain the transmission. Position a suitable drain pan under the transmission. 2. Clean and install the drain plug. 3. N ...

Component Tests
Drive Belt Noise/Flutter Drive belt chirp occurs due to pulley misalignment or excessive pulley runout. It can be the result of a damaged pulley or an incorrectly aligned pulley. To correct, determine the area where the noise comes from. Check each of the p ...