Ford Mustang (1999-2004) Service Manual: Output Shaft and Direct Clutch Cylinder

Special Tool(s)

Compressor, Clutch Spring 307-015 (T65L-77515-A)
Protector, Piston Seal 307-080 (T80L-77234-A)
Protector, Transmission Direct Clutch Outer Fluid Seal 307-422


Item Specification
MERCON V Automatic Transmission Fluid XT-5-QM, XT-5-DM MERCON V

Output Shaft, Direct Clutch Cylinder and Ring Gear Disassembled View

Output Shaft, Direct Clutch Cylinder and Ring Gear Disassembled View


Output Shaft, Direct Clutch Cylinder and Ring Gear Disassembled View

Direct Clutch Disassembled View

Direct Clutch Disassembled View


Direct Clutch Disassembled View

Reverse Sun Gear
Disassembly   1. Remove the reverse clutch sun gear assembly and the No. 4 forward clutch hub bearing and race. 2. Remove the forward clutch sun gear assembly and the No. 5 forward clutch ...

1. NOTE: The index mark on the output shaft must be aligned with the index mark on the output shaft ring gear during the assembly procedure. Remove the ring gear snap ring. 2. Separate the ring gea ...

Other materials:

1. Inspect the clutch cylinder thrust surfaces, piston bore and clutch plate serrations for scores or burrs. Minor scores or burrs may be removed with crocus cloth. Install a new clutch cylinder if it is badly scored or damaged. 2. Check the fluid passage i ...

Bearing Whine
Bearing whine is a high-pitched sound similar to a whistle. It is usually caused by worn/damaged pinion bearings, which are operating at driveshaft speed. Bearing noise occurs at all driving speeds. This distinguishes it from gear whine which usually comes ...

Getting the services you need
Warranty repairs to your vehicle must be performed by an authorized dealer. While any authorized dealer handling your vehicle line will provide warranty service, we recommend you return to your selling authorized dealer who wants to ensure your continued satis ...