Ford Mustang (1999-2004) Service Manual: Automatic Transmission

1. CAUTION: The actuator adjustment tool included with the replacement actuator kit must be used when installing the supercharger bypass vacuum actuator. Failure to correctly adjust the actu ...

Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
General Specifications a - MERCON V is not interchangeable at this time with the current MERCON fluids. Check the transmission fluid level indicator to determine the correct fluid and refer to the ...

Other materials:

Supercharger Belt Tensioner
Removal and Installation 1. Remove the supercharger drive belt cover. 2. Rotate the supercharger belt tensioner clockwise and remove the supercharger belt. 3. Remove the bolts and the supercharger belt tensioner. 4. To install, reverse the removal proced ...

WARNING: The restraints control module (RCM) orientation is critical for proper system operation. If a vehicle equipped with an air bag supplemental restraint system (SRS) has been involved in a collision in which the center tunnel area has been damaged, in ...

Accelerator Cable - 4.6L (2V)
Removal and Installation 1. Push the accelerator cable nylon bushing out of the accelerator pedal and shaft arm. 2. Remove the bolts retaining the accelerator cable to the dash panel. 3. Disconnect the accelerator cable from the throttle body by rotating ...