Ford Mustang (1999-2004) Service Manual: Valve - Seat Inspection
Valve and Seat Refacing Measurements
CAUTION: After grinding valves or valve seats, check valve clearance.
1. Check the valve head and seat.
- Check valve angles.
- Check margin width.
- Refer to the appropriate section in Group 303 for the procedure.
- Be sure margin width is within specification.
2. Inspect for abnormalities on the valve face and seat.
Valve -Seat Width
1. Measure the valve seat width. If necessary, grind the valve seat to specification.
- Measure the intake valve seat width.
- Measure the exhaust valve seat width.
- Recheck the valve spring installed length after the seats have been ground, and shim the valve springs as necessary to achieve the correct installed spring length.
- Refer to the appropriate section in Group 303 for the procedure.
Valve -Seat Runout
1. Use the Valve Seat Runout Gauge to check valve seat runout.
Valve Spring Strength
Special Tool(s)
Pressure Gauge, Valve/Clutch
303-006 (TOOL-6513-DD) or
1. Use a Valve/Clutch Spring Pressure Gauge to check the valve spring for
correct strength ...
Cylinder Head - Distortion
Special Tool(s)
Straight Edge
303-D039 (D83L-4201-A) or
1. Use a straight edge and a feeler gauge to inspect the cylinder head for
flatness. If the cylinder
head is disto ...
Other materials:
Cable and Conduit
NOTE: The RH rear is shown, the LH is similar.
1. CAUTION: If any component in the parking brake system requires
repair or if the
rear axle housing (4010) is removed, the cable tension must be released.
Release the cable tension. For additional ...
Pinpoint Test P: No Communication With The Restraints Control Module
Normal Operation
The RCM communicates with the scan tool using ISO 9141 communication mode
through the data link
connector (DLC).
Possible Causes
A no communication condition can be caused by:
damage to circuit 70 (LB/WH).
a damaged DLC.
a damage ...
Accessory Drive (Description and Operation)
Component Locations- 3.8L
Component Locations-4.6L